Carim Nahaboo is a British artist & illustrator specialising in natural history subjects.
Most work depicts invertebrates in a highly detailed realistic style, keeping both aesthetics and scientific accuracy at the forefront of any drawing. Some illustrations are commissioned originally for species descriptions, field guides or as one-offs for entomologists, and almost all work is offered as limited edition archival quality prints, as well as greetings cards or giant postcards.
Most work depicts invertebrates in a highly detailed realistic style, keeping both aesthetics and scientific accuracy at the forefront of any drawing. Some illustrations are commissioned originally for species descriptions, field guides or as one-offs for entomologists, and almost all work is offered as limited edition archival quality prints, as well as greetings cards or giant postcards.

A constant fascination with the more traditional romantic, folkloric and mystical views of nature also play a large part in some artwork, and commissions spanning any of these themes are welcomed.
Drawing and recording through any means of art has always been the primary way to understand some of the wonders of nature, especially within the Insect world. Carim has spent many years observing, recording, collecting and studying insects and other aspects of natural history, whether this be very familiar garden species or much larger exotic species. Having various captive bred tarantulas, phasmids, beetles, scorpions and cockroaches as pets for over two decades has also allowed for some up close views and a deeper understanding of anatomy and behaviour which all feeds into the artwork.

Ink & coloured pencils are used for almost all pieces, with some involving acrylics too.
As well as artwork, Carim is an avid collector of high quality, accurate invertebrate figures, most of which are made in Japan and can be quite difficult to find for sale elsewhere. Any duplicates of these will be offered for sale here when they are available.